Almost everyone is a writer in one or the other way. Whether you are crafting the copy for your website, working on a paper for a class, or if you are content marketing professional trying to develop the perfect tweet, then word counter is the tool which makes your life easier.A very good word counter helps you to stay on the target with your writing without wasting your time in trying to guess how much you’ve written by eyeballing it on your screen. If your writing tools don’t have built in word counters then we will give you a helpful suggestion. We being the leading digital marketing company in Bangalore will help you to grow your business.Make sure Google Reads your website:Whenever you are writing for the websites, search engine ranks for the quality content much higher than the content which is less perceived quality. There are plenty of factors which contribute to the overall quality; word count is an important consideration. Websites, pages and posts with the short blocks of the content will lack authority in the eyes of Google, where text needs several hundred words to reach search engines with enough explanation about the topic that seem to be credible and authoritative.
There is also a flip side to that question- making the word counter is even more important where too much text can turn off readers even if the search engines like the content. Some of the clicks from the users can result in a downgrading of a page in the search. To optimize the content for both users and search, your word count will falls in this range 300 to 1,500 words, if you are on the right track. A digital marketing service is a promotion of products or brand through one or more forms of electronic media.
Write for human readers:Whatever you write it should be for the actual readers. While you need to think about the search, writing is meant to be read. These readers want to see the texts which include variances in the length and style. You need to make a copy of the text which is clean, free from errors, and also engaging the information. You can use a word counter or grammar tool to ensure that your copy is clean and is in readable format. If you don’t have a proof reader, such tools gives you an extra check before you show your content to others.
Optimize posts for social media:Every social media platforms is been having an optimal word count which ensures the content that you write won’t be cut off or truncated. Where some other channels like Facebook do allow you for longer posts, they get truncated and most of the readers never see the content. By using the word counter tool you can optimize each and every bits of your content into micro-writing. Digital marketing services comprises of SEO services, social media marketing and many moreWriting in a disciplined manner is one of the important parts of becoming a good and strong content writer. Where crafting copy fits within the constraints such as word count, it helps you to learn to edit yourself and say perfectly what you need to. Discipline includes varying sentences and also paragraphs length. You are thinking how the entire piece of writing comes together. Generally it includes an introduction, body and conclusion, where body writing consists of 75% of word count, remaining percentage is been shared between the intro and conclusion.