Problem 1 – Understanding the Business:Marketing starts with first Observing the competitors and the second step is to understand their moves and work according to the trends. Most of the companies are not able to understand the customer business and that effectiveness of mapping the Target Audience and Buyer Persona plays a vital role in this business.You can make use of the available buyer persona templates and free resources. If we are unable to understand Target Audience and Buyer Persona then there is no point in saying that we are doing Digital Marketing.
Solution:So, the first and foremost step is to spend some time and have some brainstorming sessions with clients which will help in understanding their business. Nowadays Agencies don’t meet clients often and try to finish everything over a phone call or skype. Which will save time and energy but you may suffer with low relationship in future. Always the agencies should try to have a Monthly Review Meeting in order to align the entire process in a better way. Have a goal set up in the organization and keep updating the clients on day to day basis in order to have an engaging relationship. Don’t wait till the end or starting of the month to give a new idea. Just follow the thought of “Do it Now, or Never”
Problem 2 – Trends:Trends is again the best and worst part of Digital Marketing. The agencies suffer a lot as whom to follow and what to implement. There are lot many upcoming trends which is been released by Search Engines or Social Media Channels. It’s becoming difficult to cope up with the trends and implementing those again needs a lot of Man Hours which is the overrates on the Agency. The agencies are forced to adopt to the trends in order to participate in the race. And it also acts as a value to the Business. If he has to add a value he can’t charge his client. That is where we suffer in increasing our works and get paid low.
Solution:The Agencies should follow the top influencers and try to implement whichever can be included as a package and be transparent with customer and send them an alert that this is the upcoming trend and what are the advantages in following. Let them decide whether they need to improvise their business or what is there concentration on the same. So, this solves the agency problem in working more for less cost.
Problem 3 – Communication:As the entire process of Digital Marketing like Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing are real time processes. We would need some approvals from the client to publish on a brand page. That’s the challenge as clients would be busy we would get delayed approvals and we @5ines have set up a best channel to get approvals from them. When we meet they keep saying us that if you give us a hot seat in terms of pressure we would do it but when we start they feel frustrated. That’s the scenario, but we can’t blame them though. If we have to adopt to the trend we may receive the approval after the trend expires.
Solution:The best way is to have a reminder and inform them the problem that may occur in coming days. Always talk to clients in numbers then only they would be able to take it seriously. Always whenever you send a reminder don’t send as Any Updates?? Reminder 1 and all instead you can drop a Whats App message or email stating that “Sir we are short of posts and there are 10,000 fans waiting for an update from your brand so, please think as to whether to make them wait or can you approve us faster in order to make the most of it."