Creating Viral Video is really an accident. But to facilitate Digital Marketers we are breaking down the formula. Throughout the years many companies have tried their best to present a viral video. Only few were successful. Creating a Viral video is really a complex task it’s almost like a risk involved in Movie Making. We may assume that it may go viral but always we will be left out with less number of shares or likes on Facebook or any other social channels. Being in Business you might align the video concept to revolve round your products or services, but that’s not the right strategy when you want to create a viral video.
The formula comes from how actual viruses are spread? you need to keep engaging your audiences with the information’s which they would be actively looking for. You need to be very active in grasping customer behaviours, trends and the challenges faced by your Audience.Before creating a video try to understand your Audience and watch related videos. Brainstorm yourselves until you arrive at a best concept. Viral videos are of many types you can touch emotionally, Surprise, Change Management, Any Question / answer comparison, Predictions, Thoughts on any event or many more. So, you need to constantly research in order to arrive a conclusion by aligning to your Audience Strategy. Once you have decided on which kind of Viral Video you are planning to create.Before creating a video, audience strategy is like a blue print which supports in aligning creation & Promotional strategies. Audience strategy is created by listing our Demographics, Location, Interests & hobbies, Topics, Keywords & Hashtags. Once you have answers for all these segments then you will end up framing a killer Audience Strategy.